Hendrick JOSEPH, Directeur Artistique, Designer Graphique & UX designer.
Titulaire d’un Master Direction Artistique & UX Design, d’un DUT MMI (Métiers du Multimédia et de l’Internet) et d’un Baccalauréat Professionnel Artisanat & Métiers d’art, avec option communication visuelle pluri-média. J’ai très vite été amené dans le monde du digital, ce qui m'a amené à développer une passion pour la Direction artistique, l'UX Design, ainsi que la gestion de projet digitale.
Les nombreux contrats & stages effectués m’ont aidés à comprendre la réalité du monde professionnel et me perfectionner de jours en jours dans chacune de mes réalisations.
Parce qu’il est primordial pour moi d’être rigoureux dans ce que j’entreprends, j’ai fait de mon travail, mon « Leitmotiv » afin d’atteindre la perfection.
The numerous contracts and internships I have done have helped me to understand the reality of the professional world and to perfect myself day after day in each of my creations.
Hendrick JOSEPH, Art Director, Graphic Designer & UX designer.
Holder of a Master's degree in Art Direction & UX Design, through university degree in technology (Multimedia and Internet Professions) and a Professional Baccalaureate in Crafts & Art Professions, with option in Multimedia Visual Communication. I was quickly brought into the digital world, which led me to develop a passion for Art Direction, UX Design, as well as digital project management.
Holder of a Master's degree in Art Direction & UX Design, through university degree in technology (Multimedia and Internet Professions) and a Professional Baccalaureate in Crafts & Art Professions, with option in Multimedia Visual Communication. I was quickly brought into the digital world, which led me to develop a passion for Art Direction, UX Design, as well as digital project management.
The numerous contracts and internships I have done have helped me to understand the reality of the professional world and to perfect myself day after day in each of my creations.
Because it is essential for me to be rigorous in what I undertake, I have made my work my "Leitmotiv" in order to reach perfection.
Merci :) !